Our circus is new and our pockets full of holes.  We are looking for some people, organizations, or philanthropists who would like to help sponsor us, or advertise on this site, or just donate circus things (like a popcorn making device!.. Please no elephants tho', just don't have the space for them yet.). It's a crazy idea.. much like sticking a flaming stick into your mouth over and over again..Madness!  But both, if done right, will leave the crowds entertained and you with a smile on your face. OPA~ If you are interested in learning more, Contact us today and lets talk! P.S If you're a senile old man who has a few million in the bank you want to get rid of because your grandkids will just squander it on boozes and fast cars - call me as we will squander it on Elephants and Bearded women... FYI~ that's a much better choice in my book. ~.0