The Circus Blog for The Imperial OPA
Castleberry hills – Look out
Fair warning to you Castleberry hills - the circus is coming to walk around at your art walk tonight~
2010 Roof Top Summer Series – Circus on a Roof?
The Imperial OPA's First Roof Top SHOW! July 9th 2010. An event that you wont want to miss.
Sponsor Spot Light Rhythma Dance Studios
This month we at the Imperial OPA would like to extend a Might BIG "OPA", for a phenomenal supporter - Rhythma Dance Studios!
Atlanta Streets Alive
The Imperial OPA - (an Atlanta based Circus troupe) will be Busking tomorrow at the Atlanta Streets Alive event from 1 - 6pm on Edgewood AVE between Piedmont st and Cortland ave
Gypsy Caravan on May 15th @ the Blue Tower Gallery
Clear your calendars lady's and gentlemen! The Imperial OPA is proud to perform at the Gypsy Caravan - a fundraiser for Atlanta's WonderRoot art collective!
Circus Parade – 4-24-10
The Imperial OPA is proud to be walking in the 2010 Inman Park Festival Parade!!!We have worked out a few walking circus numbers, Wrangled a few wild performers, and harnessed an elephant to strut with us! Come see us 4-24-10