September 18th 2010 form 10am - 10pm, enjoy The East Atlanta Strut and The Imperial OPA! Strut v., strut·ted, strut·ting, struts. v.intr. - To walk with pompous bearing; swagger. What began over 13 years ago as some jazz players having a community back yard BBQ has grown to a huge event. Now in its 13th year, the East Atlanta Strut is a community organized, one-day festival, featuring music, art and events to raise money for neighborhood charities and organizations and support local businesses... Is Back! This Year the Strut and the OPA will be entering the masses all day and into the night. The Imperial OPA will be located in the parking lot by the historic Earl ( and will be featuring circus acts through the day and into the night. We will also be having special guests join us like the The Vauxhall Garden Variety Players (link) and the Christ lord band ( Both are remarkable to hear and see! In addition we will be having a full on circus show at 8pm(ish), will be marching in the parade at 2pm and have many smaller acts thought the day that are not to be missed! Come on down and be a part of Atlanta's very own and fastest growing Circus - The Imperial OPA! See you Saturday! OPA~