2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Time left until Festival

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Some fantastic news!

The Imperial OPA Circus has been invited to be part of the 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival (SFF)!

(Here is a link to the festival:  http://www.festival.si.edu/2017/circus-arts/smithsonian ).

Marketing it 50th anniversary in 2017, The Smithsonian Folklife Festival will feature for the first time,  Circus Arts in America!  For 14 days over 1 million people will come to learn about Circus arts at the national Mall in Washington DC. The Imperial OPA Circus has been invited to be one of the 20 presenting companies to represent modern circus in America. This event can help shape the future of Circus Arts in America.

Beyond this historic event in DC filled with free circus shows by Atlanta performers, circus classes for guests taught by us, and connections, we will have a workshop day with The National Endowment of the Arts (NEA). In this conversation with the NEA, together we will help establish what is needed to make Circus more robust across America and elevated to a national art! Also, their is a good chance we can get connect with  people who wish to fund a larger Circus School in Atlanta, and funding for additional Circus productions here as well! All just amazing.

To make this event happen  we need to raise the funds to make our way to DC. Our goal is to bring  bring 10 performers to DC for the 14 day run.

To make this happen we are launching a indiegogo campaign.

If you have a moment please go here to read about it: http://igg.me/at/imperialopa