OPA! The Circus is growing faster than our little tent can accommodate! So many fantastic artists, musicians, and circus folks are coming on down to join the show. The Imperial OPA for the full summer of 2010 was (and still is) providing a stage and voice for many local artists to utilize and express themselves on, teaching many others different circus skills and trying our hardest to be a force of good and inspiration in Atlanta! Today we ask for a little in return. We are launching our first Circus Fan Contribution Drive, with gift offers! Our goal is to raise $3,000.00 to buy an aerial rig in 30 days or less! the_rig This rig is an 18.5' aluminum structure that will allow our show to grow by leaps and bounds. With it we will perform aerial acts at street events, in public parks and at large venues. A possibility which has already piqued the interest of many people. In addition to this, this rig would allow the show to experiment with other forms of circus arts not yet done in the city. We will be combining aerial performance with puppetry. We will also use this rig as a way to enhance the training of our performers - by providing them harnesses to do higher back flips with and added safety when body stacking, this is all very important as we take safety first. Our goal of $3,000.00 is a lot - however if broken down its just 30 people contributing $100, or 60 contributing $50, or 125 contributing $25. With these numbers this is easily achievable, but we need your help! For you, our fans and audience, are a key part of the circus.
You are welcome to contribute whatever you can - however we do offer the following suggestions and we offer the following thank you gifts along with them. So here is the deal:
At $3000 + We will name the rig after you and throw you a circus tea party! Add to your cart - [wp_cart:$3000 contribution :price:3000.00:end]
At $1000 + We will add your logo to our fliers till the end of the year and give you Executive Producer credits. Add to your cart - [wp_cart:$1000 contribution :price:1000.00:end]
At $200 + You will get Executive Producer credits till the end of the year on our web page and show handouts. Add to your cart - [wp_cart:$200 contribution :price:200.00:end]
At $60 + You will get Producer credits till the end of the year on our web page Add to your cart - [wp_cart:$60 contribution :price:60.00:end]
At $25 + You will get Star Supporter credit on our web site till the end of the year. Add to your cart - [wp_cart:$25 contribution :price:25.00:end]
At $24 and under - You will get a BIG OPA THANK YOU and a hug next time we see you! You can make a donation VIA pay pal by sending it to circus@theimperialopa.com - click here and enter in circus@theimperialopa.com as the "to email address".
--- Your contribution will show up here after you click. [show_wp_shopping_cart]
At any donation level, a printed copy of your donation receipt can be redeemed for a free drink at our upcoming event, Night of the Living Circus, October 9th at The Goat Farm. We want to do so much more in Atlanta to promote performing and circus arts, we want to see young and old performers be given a place in the spot light, and we want to see you with a smile of awe and wonderment in the front row as we dazzle you with new aerial feats! The Imperial OPA is committed to doing good and is in the process of securing its 501-c3 non-profit status for this reason. Thank you for giving what you can, there is strength in numbers and its you and your friends that make our circus a show - Come and join us as a producer and help to make this show even better! OPA and Thank you!